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Fall Generosity Appeal

One Community in Christ: Glad and Generous Hearts

Make Your Intention



The Generosity Team invites you to begin your prayer and preparation for the annual fall generosity (stewardship) invitation. Taking the lead from the Congregation Council’s work, this year’s fall generosity appeal will be grounded in the theme: “One Community in Christ – Glad and Generous Hearts.” At the center of this invitation is God’s call for us to be one community, every day of the week, in our life together. The foundational scripture passage from Acts, chapter two, will ground this fall’s appeal:

42They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. 43Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. 44All who believed were together and had all things in common; 45they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, 47praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.”

Thank you for your continued generosity as you respond to God and all that God continues to provide for you in your daily life. It is a blessing to be one community in Christ, walking together with glad and generous hearts.

Here are a few key weekend dates to note:

October 28-29: a “Ministry in Daily Life Celebration” launches the generosity appeal
November 11-13: Sabbath to End Homelessness. There will also be generosity packets available for pick up after worship
November 18-19: Glad and Generous Hearts intention weekend, with an ingathering processional offering during worship

Faith Promise Packets

This weekend (November 11 and 12), you can pick up your Faith Promise packets after worship. Each packet contains the Glad and Generous Hearts brochure, the Ways to Give info sheet, and the envelope for your faith promise intention card. The faith promise intention card is in the brochure as a tear-off page. The Ways to Give sheet is an added resource for you while planning to fulfill the intention that you will make to God. We will make our faith promises, our financial intentions, as an act of worship on Saturday, November 18, and Sunday, November 19. It is a hopeful response for us to process to the front during worship and place our faith promises in baskets as a corporate act of faith. If you cannot make it to worship this weekend to pick up your packet, you can download the brochure and info sheet here:
Glad and Generous Hearts Brochure
Ways to Give Info Sheet

You can also make your intention online!

Make Your Intention



Generosity Tree

The Generosity Appeal begins with an invitation to reflect on the gifts you share in daily life as the beloved of God. A creative tree is going up in the sanctuary and you are invited to add a leaf to the tree with your name and a way you share a gift or serve in daily life. Details about this invitation will be shared in worship, plan to attend and add your leaves to the tree. Thank you to Chris and Steve Dahlberg, Sarah and Clementine Grahn, Pastor Stephanie, and Brenda Blackhawk for the creative design for the tree and leaves!

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