“Sent forth from worship by God’s call enticed; we serve all God’s people; hands and feet of Christ.”
(from special hymn lyrics, 2009)
Worship is at the core—the very heart and center—of who we are as God’s people at Central Lutheran Church. It is in worship that God’s word is proclaimed. In worship we partake of the sacraments that mark us with the love of God. By our acts of worship we are called and empowered to serve the world Christ died to save.
Central places great emphasis on the quality of our worship and music, always seeking to model Lutheran liturgical worship at its best. Celebrating Holy Communion weekly, all services use historically familiar forms, and are creatively adapted to make them relevant and contemporary for our day.
Affirmation to Trust Your Own Sense of Wellness for In-person or Online Worship
As you know, all worship services are now offered in person or online. You are invited to worship at your preferred time, Saturday at 5:00 p.m. or on Sunday at 8:30 or 10:30 a.m.
You are affirmed in trusting your own sense of wellness as it relates to choosing in person or online worship. With the challenges related to this fourth wave of the virus, if you are most comfortable worshiping online, we support you. If you are comfortable, we are delighted to see you in person for worship. As a reminder, there are a few details for you to note as we worship in person. Masks continue to be encouraged for worship. Masks are essential for when we sing.
For in person, Holy Communion is celebrated at all worship services. We will commune in our seats with pre-packaged wafer, wine or juice. You will pick up the wafer, wine or juice with your bulletin. Instruction will be provided before we commune, and we will celebrate communion with joy as we adapt to this transitional way to distribute. We will return to the traditional distribution in time, but for now this is the best way as we worship together.
For online, you are invited to gather bread and wine or juice and commune with the congregation at that moment in the service. This is affirmed now that we are communing here, in person.
Worship Times
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Evening Service of Holy Communion
An informal gathering with a variety of musical offerings.
Fellowship and refreshments follow.
Sunday, 8:30 a.m.
“First-Light” Service with Holy Communion
An intimate service with hymns and the Word.
Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Festive Service with Holy Communion
A full choral Eucharist with choir and other music
Video Livestream
A video livestream is available for Central’s worship services:
- Saturday – 5:00 p.m.
- Sunday – 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.
To follow along with the service, download today’s worship folder from above and connect to the stream.
Listen on Demand
You can listen to the past month’s services and sermons using the media player feature of our website.
Worship Services on YouTube
We have a YouTube channel where we specifically house the official worship videos as well as interesting historic audio and video. We will post videos of the 10:30 service from the previous two weeks there also.