Street Voices of Change
What is Street Voices of Change?
From our new vision document: Street Voices of Change (SVoC) are groups of individuals who have current or past personal experiences with homelessness who come together to build community and make positive changes in the lives of people experiencing homelessness and the systems that contribute to and keep people in homelessness.
SVoC started in September 2016 with a dozen folks at Central and has grown into three overflowing groups that meet weekly at different member congregations of Align Minneapolis. The groups are a place where people invest in and empower each other to build a loving community that recognizes the trauma of homelessness and seeks to restore dignity in every aspect of the experience.
Street Voices of Change is a place that builds power among people who are too often punished for speaking up for themselves. In large supportive groups, Street Voices members have created spaces where their voice and input are not only heard, but sought out. Working together SVoC continues to elevate the agency of people experiencing homelessness to positively affect their circumstances.
The Central group meets at Central on Thursday mornings and is open to people experiencing homelessness. If you have more questions please feel free to ask Pastor Melissa.
Learn More
To learn more, contact:
The Rev. Melissa Pohlman
Pastor for Community Ministries