Jesus taught, “you cannot put new wine into old wineskins…” New wine needs new wineskins, renewed joy needs renewed vessels.
Building Renewal Update
The contractors began pouring the concrete floor for the main level of the new building this week. The floor will be poured in sections, over a series of days. Once the floor has cured, the interior walls will go up, and the next phase of the construction will begin. Roofing work continues, but was slowed this week by the rain. Plumbing and electrical runs that are below the floor are now complete. We are looking at setting up the next progress meeting for the congregation, ideally when we have completed a key milestone along the path to occupancy this autumn. We will let you know when that date and time is set.
All the other details that have been shared over the past weeks continue along as planned. If you missed some of the communications, previous copies of the Spirit are archived on the website.
Renewed Joy, Renewed Vessels Capital Appeal Materials
Building Renewal Architect Images
To see the architect renderings of the new facility, download this pdf.
Building Renewal Task Force
Hazel Reinhardt, chair
Kari Lyle
Ron Fiscus
Franklin Dietrich
Paul Troselius
Kevin Lile
Pastor Peter