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Winter Adult Learning

Community through the Essentials

In Martin Luther’s day, life felt chaotic and disconnected to him, too. In the midst of trying to call the Church back to itself, Luther asked the question, “How will or how can a poor confused person tell where such Christian holy people can be found in the world?” Basically, how can we find the church in the world? Luther came up with seven marks of the church and the Christian life. These are the essentials. When you find them you will find the church and the people who follow Jesus, too. We will be highlighting these essentials and how we are formed as a community by these guiding touchstones this year together. (Read more about this year’s theme at the bottom of the page).

Wednesday Night Bible Study – 6 p.m.

“Essential Scriptures: The New Testament”

Begins January 8

Throughout the season of Epiphany, we will be exploring essential stories in the New Testament including Jesus’ life and ministry, the parables, essential stories of Holy Week, a quick stop in Acts, and a glance at Paul’s letters. The Bible study is offered both in person and on Zoom. As always, join the group when it works for you, whether that’s every week or now and then. We can’t wait to share these essential stories of Jesus with you!

Zoom link
Essential Scriptures: The New Testament Study Guide

February Empowering Conversations

Sunday, February 16, noon
February’s Empowering Conversation will explore ways in which restorative justice is at work in the Minnesota Correctional Facility at Stillwater. Join the Rev. Dr. Laura Thelander to hear about a program that inspires and trains inmates to use pastoral care skills in their daily lives. Join us on February 16 for this enlightening Empowering Conversation.

Sunday Adult Forums – 9:30 a.m.

Lower Narthex
Sunday, February 2, 9:30 a.m.
“Essentials of Vocation”
The focus of this week’s adult forum is on vocation. How do you live out your faith in daily life? Fred Buechner says, “the place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” This is our understanding of vocation. Come and hear more with Pastor Peter.

Sunday, February 9, 9:30 a.m.
“Essentials of Forgiveness 2.0”
This week we will revisit an earlier conversation about Forgiveness. Who do you need to forgive; whose forgiveness do you need? How good are you at forgiving yourself? We’ll finish these conversations this week with Pastor Stephanie.

Sunday, February 16, 9:30 a.m.
“Essentials of Culture”
Pastor Melissa leads a great conversation this week on essential culture. The cultures of our neighborhoods, schools, and communities shape our understanding of our neighbors and often impacts our interactions. Come and learn more about this important component of our life together.


Theme: Community through the Essentials

In many parts of our lives we find ourselves in groups of people. Very infrequently are those random groups. Even when we find ourselves all at the grocery store, there is something we all share in common. We are all at the store at the same time because we need to eat, or we might live close to this store, or we all get benefits that make gas cheaper because we shop here. The values and experiences and desired outcomes create community. We might not have a lot else in common with the people around us at any one time, but the smallest commonalities are what we cling to when the world feels random or chaotic.

In Martin Luther’s day, life felt chaotic and disconnected to him, too. In the midst of trying to call the Church back to itself, Luther asked the question, “How will or how can a poor confused person tell where such Christian holy people can be found in the world?” Basically, how can we find the church in the world? Luther came up with seven marks of the church and the Christian life. These are the essentials. When you find them you will find the church and the people who follow Jesus, too.
We will be highlighting these essentials and how we are formed as a community by these guiding touchstones this year together. So, what are the essential marks of the church that mold us as a community?

Luther gives us little glimpses into these essentials. Where we find the Word of God “preached, believed, professed and lived,” there is our community. Baptism unites us through the water of rebirth. Communion is how we are fed and, after practicing how to feed one another, we are sent out in the world to do the same. We can do this because we are forgiven at the table and forgiven people can forgive others. We all speak about God’s activity in our daily lives, we feed one another, and we care for one another’s soul.

This is ministry for each and every one of God’s beloved. We are made to experience the wonder of God and to give our praise and to ask for what we need. This is worship and prayer of all kinds. Finally, we are called to be people who are found in the midst of suffering. Sometimes we are the ones who suffer and sometimes we are called to stand in solidarity with those who suffer. This is who Central is and in this community we claim what is essential to us.

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